A place that loves all ages. Our kids are included and equipped as part of the church family. They love church and have grown significantly in the year we have been at Mission North. -L
Mission North is my church family that always encourages me to see and reach for God. Sometimes challenging, sometimes confronting but always in honour and love, I am equipped for life. -S
I don't think I'd be who I am today if it weren't for the amazing "village" that raised me from a child to a man, teaching me the ways of the Lord and loving me in TRUTH. I am honoured to call Mission North my home and the people my family. -J
The Mission, a place to meet with God, be inspired and equipped. Our family has grown significantly. We love the discipleship of all ages together. Our kids love Mission and their faith is blossoming from being a part of this family. -L
Mission is my extended family, a bunch of people who see my potential and spur me on to live it. A place where I can 100% trust each one to look over my family and myself no matter what the circumstance. -J
The Mission has been instrumental in identifying and developing my character, calling and giftings so that they can be used to glorify God in the local church and in the community. I am surrounded by like-minded individuals who spur me on to my full potential in God! I love the feeling of being knitted together with a group of people who have a shared sense of belonging and purpose. -M
I love this family of God, where we are all encouraged, equipped and enabled to be all we can be in God. Jesus is truly the centre here. -J
Like all good adventures, being part of the Mission is deeply challenging and richly rewarding. There's no place I'd rather be! -S
My spiritual walk has never been so solid since I came to Mission North. I am encouraged and equipped to overcome and battle on! Because of this, I experience the true freedom that comes from living for Christ. The place to go if you are serious about spiritual growth for you and your family, it's a home away from home with people who are seriously cool and real. -A
The Mission has an organic approach to developing relationship with God. I love how we are encouraged to move and grow in our faith, bursting out of religious boxes and stepping into true freedom. A safe environment where I have grown in God, received healing and restoration and also been stretched and prepared to make a difference in all spheres of my life. -H
At the mission I am constantly amazed how my church family spurs me on to be all I can be in God. They give me the courage to allow myself to be who God made me to be. -K
At the Mission I'm loved, confronted, challenged, encouraged and equipped. It's not always comfortable but that's for fur me. Definitely a place I call home -M
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“Never before has the fate of so many depended on the actions of so few. It's time for the church of NZ to stand up for what she believes and who she believes in!”
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